Silicon Carbide

Looking for a reliable supplier of Silicon Carbide on demand? Great Abrasive is your solution. As a trusted supplier of SiC, we offer a wide range of options to meet your needs and can even custom-make Silicon Carbide to your specifications.

China's Premium Silicon Carbide Manufacturer

Unlock unparalleled abrasive performance with GREAT Abrasive’s Silicon Carbide solutions. Beyond Black and Green Silicon Carbide smelting, our advanced crushing, sieving, and micro-powder production lines deliver a full range of F and P series products, from crude, grit to micro-powders. Tailored to meet diverse industry needs, we ensure your projects achieve excellence with precision and reliability. Elevate your abrasive materials to the next level with us.

Choose from a wide array of sizes tailored for your specific needs: Crude (0-10mm, 0-30mm,100/F, 200/F, 325/F, 800/F), and a complete size from F12 to F2000 and JIS #12 to #8000, through to P16-P2500.

Black Silicon Carbide
Green Silicon Carbide

Superior SiC for Every Need

Leverage GREAT Abrasive’s cutting-edge production and vast customization options for Silicon Carbide. With our powerful furnaces, diverse product lineup, and comprehensive quality control, we tailor to your needs, ensuring top-tier supply and precision for every application.

  • Unmatched Supply Capability
    With two 40,000 KVA furnaces for black SiC and four 16,000 KVA furnaces for green SiC, we guarantee an annual supply of 100,000 tons of black and 50,000 tons of green SiC. Partner with us to secure your supply chain with strength and reliability.
  • Find Your Perfect SiC Match
    Offering a broad spectrum of SiC assay (70% to 99%) and grit sizes from crude to micro grits (F12-F1200, P12-P2500), GREAT Abrasive ensures your every requirement is met with precision.
  • Tailored for Excellence
    Your demands are unique, and our solutions are customized to fit. GREAT Abrasive offers unparalleled flexibility in particle sizes, bulk densities, and chemistries, as well as specific pH values, sieving standards from FEPA, ANSI, to JIS. 
  • Total Process Control
    At GREAT Abrasive, we ensure unparalleled quality assurance through meticulous precision control, spanning from the initial smelting phase to the refined processing of grit and micro powder.
  • Adaptable Solutions for Every Need
    GREAT Abrasive delivers customized SiC solutions—whether acid-washed, air-washed, overflow-classified, or air-classified—to seamlessly meet your project’s budget and specifications.

Why Choose Silicon Carbide from GREAT Abrasive?

Discover superior Silicon Carbide solutions from GREAT Abrasive. From concept to completion, we offer unmatched quality, value, and support. Enjoy flexible orders, free samples, and prompt delivery. Your success is our commitment.

Unparalleled Expertise

Our end-to-end solutions elevate your projects from concept to completion, offering unparalleled SiC quality and innovation.

Quality Meets Value

Get superior performance without premium price. Our SiC boosts your efficiency & profits, proving our dedication to affordable quality.

Beyond Sales Support

Enjoy peace of mind with every order through our post-purchase integrity-first approach, ensuring quality and logistic assurance.

Flexibility for All Orders

Our no-minimum order policy accommodates any project size, offering unparalleled flexibility and convenience.

Sample the Best

Test our Silicon Carbide through free samples and understand why we're the chosen partner for industry leaders.

Prompt Delivery

Rely on us for prompt, reliable deliveries that keep your projects on track and your business moving forward.

FAQ About Silicon Carbide

Silicon carbide (SiC) is a hard, synthetic material featuring excellent thermal and electrical properties. It's produced through a high-temperature process where silica sand and petroleum coke are combined in a furnace, creating the crystalline structure of SiC.

Silicon carbide is widely used in applications requiring high endurance, such as in abrasive materials for blasting and cutting, as components in semiconductor devices for high-power, high-temperature applications, and in mechanical seals and bearings for chemical resistance and thermal stability.

Yes, silicon carbide can operate at extremely high temperatures, maintaining its strength and thermal conductivity well above 1000°C, making it ideal for high-temperature applications.

Silicon carbide is known for its exceptional hardness, second only to diamond. This makes it a preferred abrasive for many applications, offering faster cutting and less wear compared to other abrasive materials like aluminum oxide.

Black silicon carbide is made from a mixture of silica sand and coke, while green silicon carbide comes from a mixture containing pure silica sand, petroleum coke, and sawdust. Green SiC is purer and harder, making it suitable for precision applications.

Yes, silicon carbide is available in various grades and grit sizes, each suited for specific applications ranging from abrasive blasting to semiconductor manufacturing. The purity and crystalline structure can also vary, affecting its performance in different applications.

Factors include the purity of raw materials, precision of the manufacturing process, temperature control during synthesis, and contamination prevention measures.

Silicon carbide is considered an environmentally benign material as it is made from silica sand and petroleum coke, both abundant resources. Its long lifespan and recyclability in certain applications also contribute to its environmental sustainability.

While silicon carbide is generally more expensive than some alternative materials, its durability, efficiency, and longevity often result in a lower total cost of ownership over time, making it a cost-effective choice for many applications.

Selecting the right silicon carbide product involves considering the specific requirements of your application, such as the material being processed, the desired finish, temperature conditions, and mechanical stresses. Please consult with our team to make the best choice.

Quality assurance for silicon carbide products involves rigorous testing of chemicaland physical properties, including purity, hardness, grain size distribution, bulk density, toughness, magneticl material, and thermal conductivity, to meet industry standards and specific customer requirements.

Silicon carbide excels in extreme environments due to its high thermal conductivity, resistance to thermal shock, and mechanical strength. It remains stable in temperatures exceeding 1000°C and is resistant to corrosion from acids and alkalis.

While SiC is generally safe, handling fine SiC powders requires protective equipment to avoid inhalation, which can be harmful to the respiratory system. Always follow safety data sheets and wear appropriate PPE.

Silicon carbide is hard with a Mohs hardness of 9.5, which is second only to the world's hardest diamond. In addition, silicon carbide has excellent thermal conductivity. It is a kind of semiconductor and can resist oxidation at high temprature.


We are happy to answer any questions you may have about our products and company.

The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide: How to Purchase Silicon Carbide

Are you in the market for Silicon Carbide? Look no further.

This all-inclusive buyer’s guide provides you with crucial insights into Silicon Carbide, which find applications in diverse industry, from abrasives to blasting and refractories. Whether you’re contemplating importing them for your projects or planning local distribution, this guide furnishes invaluable information to guide your decision-making process.

Table of contents

Chapter 1

What is Silicon Carbide?

Silicon Carbide is produced by heating quartz sand and a carbon source, typically petroleum coke, to high temperatures in a large “Acheson” furnace. The result of this high temperature process is the crystalline formation of Silicon Carbide grains, of both Green and Black coloring. The color difference is due to the purity of the silicon carbide, green SiC being higher purity due to its closer proximity to the heat source of the furnace.

Chapter 2

Property of Silicon Carbide
  • Hardness: SiC stands as one of the hardest materials known, surpassed only by diamond and boron carbide. This exceptional hardness makes it ideal for abrasive applications where durability is key.
  • Chemical Stability: Demonstrating remarkable chemical inertness, SiC resists corrosion even under extreme temperatures or in harsh chemical environments, ensuring longevity and reliability in challenging conditions.
  • Thermal Conductivity: With its high thermal conductivity, SiC excels in heat dissipation, a critical feature for managing high temperatures in various applications.
  • Electrical Conductivity: SiC’s electrical conductivity spans from being an insulator to a semiconductor, based on its purity and crystalline structure. This versatility makes it indispensable in electronic components, particularly for high-voltage operations.
  • Thermal Shock Resistance: SiC’s ability to withstand abrupt temperature variations without succumbing to cracks is essential for materials exposed to high-temperature fluctuations.

These properties position Silicon Carbide as a superior choice for applications demanding extreme hardness, chemical stability, efficient heat management, variable electrical conductivity, and robust thermal shock resistance.

Chapter 3

Specification of Silicon Carbide
Chemical Analysis
Spec Black SiC Green SiC
SiC 98% Min 99% Min
Fe2O3 0.3% Max
F.C 0.4% Max 0.3% Max
Physical Property
Spec Black SiC Green SiC
Color Black Green
Crystal Structure α-SiC
Microhardness 2820-3320 kg/mm2 3280-3480 kg/mm2
True Density 3.2-3.4 g/cm3
Magnetic objects 0.02% Max

Chapter 4

How is Silicon Carbide Produced?

Silicon Carbide is a synthetic compound that stands out for its exceptional hardness, thermal conductivity, and resistance to chemical wear, making it highly sought after in various industrial applications, including abrasives, semiconductors, and more. The production of SiC is a sophisticated process that involves several critical stages:

  • Raw Material Preparation
    The primary raw materials used in the production of Silicon Carbide are high-purity silica sand (SiO2) and carbon sources like petroleum coke. These materials are carefully selected and prepared to ensure the highest purity and optimal reaction conditions.
  • The Acheson Process
    The most common method for producing Silicon Carbide is the Acheson process, named after its inventor Edward Goodrich Acheson. This process involves the following steps:
  • Mixing: The prepared raw materials are mixed together in the correct proportions.
  • Forming: The mixture is formed into a desired shape, often a large, elongated pile known as a “batch.”
  • Heating: The batch is then placed in an electric resistance furnace. A core of graphite, acting as a resistive heating element, runs through the center of this batch.
  • Reaction: The furnace is heated to temperatures around 2,500°C (4,532°F). At this temperature, the silica and carbon react to form Silicon Carbide and carbon monoxide gas: SiO2 +3C→SiC+2CO
  • Cooling: After the reaction is complete, the furnace is allowed to cool naturally.
  • Crushing and Grading
    Once cooled, the solid Silicon Carbide is crushed into coarse grains or powders of varying sizes. This material is then sorted or graded based on particle size and shape, tailored to specific applications.
  • Purification
    To achieve the high purity required for certain applications, the Silicon Carbide may undergo additional purification processes. This can include chemical treatment to remove metallic impurities and further thermal processing to get rid of excess carbon.
  • Modification and Packaging
    Finally, the Silicon Carbide can be treated or modified to enhance certain properties, such as surface roughness or chemical reactivity, according to specific customer requirements. It is then packaged and prepared for shipping.

The production of Silicon Carbide combines traditional manufacturing techniques with modern technological advancements, allowing for the creation of a material that meets a wide range of industrial needs. Its production is a testament to the ongoing innovation within material science, offering solutions that enhance efficiency, durability, and performance across various sectors.

Chapter 5

What Areas Can Silicon Carbide Be Used In?

Silicon carbide is a highly versatile material used across a wide range of industries due to its exceptional thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties. Here are some of the key application areas:


SiC is one of the hardest materials available, making it ideal for use in abrasive wheels, sandpaper, and as a lapping agent in polishing materials. Its superior hardness and thermal stability enable it to efficiently cut, grind, and polish hard materials.


Due to its high thermal conductivity and resistance to thermal shock, SiC is extensively used in refractory linings for furnaces, kilns, incinerators, and reactors. It helps in improving energy efficiency and prolonging furnace life.


SiC is used in semiconductor electronics where high temperatures and voltages are prevalent. Its ability to operate at high temperatures and its excellent electrical conductivity make it a suitable choice for power electronic devices, including diodes, transistors, and LED lights.


In the automotive industry, SiC components are used in electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) for power electronics, such as inverters and converters, to enhance efficiency and performance due to their ability to handle high voltages and temperatures.


SiC ceramics are known for their high strength, thermal stability, and resistance to wear and corrosion. They are used in various applications, including ballistic armor, nozzles, bearings, and mechanical seals.


SiC plays a crucial role in energy applications, including as a material for solar photovoltaic cells and in nuclear fuel particles due to its radiation resistance. It’s also used in power conversion systems, contributing to more efficient power systems with lower energy losses.


The material’s resistance to extreme temperatures and thermal shock makes it suitable for aerospace applications, including as components in rocket engines and as protective tiles for spacecraft.

Industrial Heat Applications

SiC’s thermal conductivity makes it ideal for use in industrial heating elements and furnaces, where it can withstand high temperatures and aggressive environments.

Chapter 6

These two forms of SiC, while similar in their basic composition of silicon and carbon, exhibit significant differences in their color, production processes, physical properties, and application areas.

Item Black SiC Green SiC
Color and Structure Black, due to iron and carbon impurities. Green, owing to lower levels of impurities.
Production Process Reaction between silica sand and petroleum coke in an electric resistance furnace. Use purer raw materials and add salt, with more precise control over temperature and pressure conditions throughout the smelting process.
Physical Properties The hardness, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity are slightly lower than those of green SiC. Green SiC is harder and more brittle than black SiC. It has a higher purity and exhibits higher thermal and electrical conductivity. Its crystal structure is more uniform.
Application Used for grinding softer materials like cast iron and non-ferrous metals, and in refractory applications. Ideal for grinding hard metals such as tungsten carbide and in semiconductor and solar energy applications.

The choice between black and green silicon carbide depends on the specific application and requirements such as purity, hardness, and the material being processed. Green silicon carbide is typically used for applications requiring higher purity and hardness, while black silicon carbide is a more cost-effective solution for less demanding applications.

What's the difference between black SiC and green SiC?

Chapter 7

Key Considerations When Buying Silicon Carbide

Selecting silicon carbide (SiC) for abrasive applications requires a focus on essential factors that ensure you achieve the best balance between performance, value, and partnership quality. Here’s a streamlined guide to aid in your procurement decision:

Application Needs

Identify Key Properties: Essential SiC characteristics like hardness and abrasion resistance should match your specific needs.

Compatibility: Ensure the SiC’s particle size and purity align with your process requirements.

Supplier Evaluation

Quality Assurance: Opt for suppliers with stringent quality control and relevant certifications for consistent product quality.
Supply Stability: Choose suppliers with reliable delivery records and stable supply chains.
Expert Support: Select suppliers that provide comprehensive technical support and guidance.

Consider Regulatory Compliance

Environmental Regulations: Ensure the SiC and its production process comply with environmental regulations applicable in your market to avoid legal and reputational risks.
Safety Standards: Verify that the SiC meets safety standards, especially if it will be used in applications with elevated risks.

Price Stability and Cost Guidance

Price Stability: Engage with suppliers who offer transparent pricing and are willing to discuss long-term contracts to mitigate price volatility.
Cost-Effectiveness: Prioritize suppliers that offer competitive pricing without compromising quality, along with price guidance to leverage market trends for cost reductions.

Attention to Detail

Detail-Oriented Partnership: Favor suppliers known for their meticulous attention to quality, packaging, transportation, and documentation. A supplier that ensures a seamless, worry-free experience across all procurement aspects is invaluable.

Compliance and Sustainability

Regulatory Adherence: Ensure compliance with environmental and safety regulations relevant to your operations.
Eco-friendly Sourcing: Prefer suppliers committed to sustainability and ethical practices.

Choosing the right silicon carbide involves balancing specific application requirements, supplier capabilities, cost-effectiveness, and a supplier’s commitment to compliance and sustainability. By focusing on these critical areas, you can secure high-quality SiC that aligns with your operational and ethical standards, ensuring a successful, long-term partnership with a provider like GREAT Abrasive.

Chapter 8

SiC Packaging and Transportation Tips
Packaging Tips
  • Moisture Barrier: Choose materials with excellent moisture resistance. Moisture-proof films or sealed bags are essential.
  • Durability: Select strong, durable packaging to endure transportation pressures.
  • Size Appropriateness: Ensure packaging is correctly sized for the volume, optimizing protection and efficiency.
  • Pallet Corner Smoothing: Smooth pallet corners to prevent packaging damage.
  • Strapping Protection: Use protective boards under straps to avoid bag damage.
Transportation Tips
  • Container Organization: Arrange packages neatly in containers to prevent damage.
  • Transit Protection: Secure goods well for factory-to-port transit, protecting against road hazards.
  • Mixed Loading Care: When combining pallets and bulk bags, use cushioning to reduce movement and prevent damage.
  • Weather Prep: In humid or rainy weather, increase packaging’s moisture protection and consider container desiccants.

Efficient packaging and transportation are critical for preserving silicon carbide quality. By focusing on moisture prevention, packaging integrity, and careful transit handling, you can ensure your SiC arrives in excellent condition. Partnering with a supplier knowledgeable in these areas is key to minimizing transit risks and maintaining product standards.

Chapter 9

In Summary

Selecting the perfect silicon carbide may seem like a daunting task, especially for those new to the field. However, having access to precise insights about silicon carbide can simplify the decision-making process.

With more than thirty years of experience in the abrasives industry, Great Abrasive is well-equipped to provide the ideal materials and specifications to meet the requirements of projects. Our committed team is always prepared to offer guidance, and we often have custom samples available, tailored to your unique needs.

Boost Your Projects with Our Silicon Carbide!

Harness the efficiency of Silicon Carbide for your projects today. At GREAT Abrasive, we provide tailored solutions crafted to align with your specific needs. Whether you’re involved in grinding wheels, coated abrasives, or any other sector, our Silicon Carbide ensures superior performance and durability.

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We help you avoid the pitfalls and deliver the quality and value your abrasive need on-time and on-budget.

Purchasing Abrasives from China?

Read 10 Cost-Saving Tips for the Purchase of Abrasives from China

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